When Will Someone Finally Ask?

Puerto Ricans are starving to death, and dying of diseases left eradicating in the western world long ago. The death toll from wildfires in California is climbing. US soldiers are getting shot to death in faraway places. And we never hear a word about it from the so-called President. It certainly isn’t what we heard regarding Florida and Texas, is it? Why, then, is Trump more interested in talking about flag worship (for nonwhites only) and TV show ratings than he is the disasters all around him? I have a theory about it, and it seems to me my theory might have some merit.


Let’s suppose for a moment that Trump didn’t actually win anything, either in the EC or in the popular vote. Let’s speculate that he was, in fact, installed in the Presidency by Vladimir Putin, tho who he may be beholden either for financial reasons, or some serious blackmail material, or maybe both. Suppose that Trump is actually not as incompetent as he seems (though he is surely a stupid man.) Is it not possible that there’s more than incompetence here? That perhaps Trump’s machinations have been dictated to him by someone who would like to see the USA collapse? It’s not as farfetched as you may think. We all know what the Puerto Ricans will do the next time a separatist vote comes up. And now, he’s letting California twist in the wind. California, of course, is a lot bigger than Puerto Rico, and is now being deliberately overlooked by Trump. What happens if THEY take a separatist vote a couple of years down the road? And these things don’t even touch his vicious bigotry in regard to overall social policy. This is the guy demanding that people of color behave to his dictates, while excusing actual Nazis as “very fine people.” Not to mention his moves towards turning women into the poorly-paid property of men.


Aggravating people already hostile to you is a recipe for separatism. And maybe that’s exactly what Trump is hoping to foment. With enough inhuman and soulless moves, Trump could easily alienate large sections of the country in a short amount of time. And if those sections start breaking off, Vladimir Putin will have achieved the revenge he’s sought since 1991. And as for Trump himself, I frankly can’t imagine that he hasn’t always been prepared for a likely need to exile himself somewhere down the road. There are plenty of dachas in Russia that no one ever moved into full-time after the Soviet government collapsed. Once Putin’s boy is finished with his dirty work, there’s probably room for him in Russia.


Think about it. If you were actually trying to stir up secessionist feelings, what steps would you take?




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